Springfield Alliance for Equity and Respect is a CALC program formed in 1997. SAfER is the only grassroots social justice group based in Springfield, and its leadership is provided by people who live in Springfield.

SAfER’s mission is to promote human rights, respond when abuses of human dignity occur, and urge public institutions to address social justice concerns. SAfER is committed to immigrant rights and racial justice, LGBTQ rights, and the right to shelter.

SAfER organized and provides staff support to the Springfield Shelter Rights Alliance (SSRA). SSRA works to alleviate conditions for people who lack shelter or are at risk of becoming homeless, while insisting that shelter is a human right. SAfER initiated and continues to support an annual Martin Luther King, Jr. student contest and community march and celebration. We also initiated and participate in the planning for an annual bilingual Cesar Chavez commemoration. We collaborate with our partners from the Springfield Public Schools on these student-focused events. SAfER presents three Human Rights Leadership Awards each year to individuals from Springfield who carry forth the legacies of Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

SAfER works with leadership and staff of the public schools for greater safety and equity for all students, staff and families. SAfER works with City of Springfield officials to advocate for greater diversity and cultural understanding among city employees and a stronger city role in promoting an inclusive community. We work collaboratively while expecting accountability from public institutions for the welfare and success of a diverse population of people who call Springfield home. SAfER’s motto is respectful and relentless.

A sampling of SAfER’s accomplishments includes:

  • Securing changes in city ordinances to allow churches to host homeless people in church parking lots.
  • Kick-starting the Egan Warming Centers, now administered by St. Vincent de Paul but begun by volunteers in Springfield.
  • Initiating popular school and community celebrations which honor diversity and highlight youth achievements.
  • Successfully advocating for language in school district contracts to protect LGBTQ teachers and counselors.
  • Encouraging the City Council to adopt a city goal about fostering equity and diversity.

We invite all who live or work in Springfield and are interested in SAfER to email safer@calclane.org, call our voicemail at (541) 485-1755.
